
Piskernik, B., & Ruiz, N. (2020). Measurement, structural, and functional invariance of parent-child play quality coding across multiple games and parent gender. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17(1), 156-164.

Ruiz, N., Witting, A., Ahnert, L., & Piskernik, B. (2020). Reflective functioning in fathers with young children born preterm and at term. Attachment and Human Development, 22(1), 32-45.

Witting, A., Ruiz, N., Fuiko, R., & Ahnert, L. (2019). Mütterliches Gatekeeping in Familien mit frühgeborenen Kindern. Frühförderung Interdisziplinär, (1/2019), 15-25.

Ruiz, N., Piskernik, B., Witting, A., Fuiko, R., & Ahnert, L. (2018). Parent-child attachment in children born preterm and at term: A multigroup analysis. PLoS ONE, 13(8), [e0202972].

Pietschnig, J., Gittler, G., Stieger, S., Forster, M., Gadek, N., Gartus, A., Kocsis-Bogar, K., Kubicek, B., Lüftenegger, M., Olsen, J., Prem, R., Ruiz, N., Serfas, B. G., & Voracek, M. (2018). Indirect (implicit) and direct (explicit) self-esteem measures are virtually unrelated: A meta-analysis of the initial preference task. PLoS ONE, 13(9), [e0202873].

Hammer, A., Ruiz, N. (2019). Die Bindungstheorie in ihrer Bedeutung für die Psychotherapie. In H. M. Topaloglou, A. Hammer, M. Finger-Ossinger, S. Hofer-Freundorfer, G. Pawlowsky, & C. Wakolbinger (Hrsg.), Beziehung im Fokus – Aktuelle Beiträge der Vereinigung Rogerianische Psychotherapie. Wien: Springer.

Ahnert, L., Teufl, L., Ruiz, N., Piskernik, B., Supper, B., Remiorz, S., Gesing, A., & Nowacki, K. (2017). Father-child physical play during the preschool years and child internalizing behaviors: Between robustness and vulnerability. Infant Mental Health Journal, 38(6), 743-756.,

Ruiz, N., Witting, A., & Ahnert, L. (2017). Father-child attachment in preterm children. Paper given at the International Attachment Conference, London.

Witting, A., Ruiz, N., & Ahnert, L. (2016). Variations in early attachment mechanisms contribute to attachment quality: Case studies including babies born preterm. International Journal of Developmental Science, 10(3-4), 85-93.

Hammer, N. (2011). Empathieentwicklung im Kontext frühkindlicher Bindungsbeziehungen. Unveröffentlichte Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien.


Ruiz, N., & Ahnert, L. (2015). Children’s early behavioral experiences with their fathers. Talk at the International Symposium of CENOF. First insights into the current CENOF research study, Vienna, Austria.

Witting, A., Ruiz, N., & Ahnert, L. (2015). How do preterm toddlers influence father-child relationships? Talk at International Symposium of CENOF. First insights into the current CENOF research study. Vienna, Austria.

Ruiz, N. & Supper, B. (2015). Father-child attachment and time spent together. Talk at Charlotte Bühler Symposium. New insights into current attachment research. Vienna, Austria.

Witting, A. & Ruiz, N. (2015). Bindungsbeziehungen bei Frühgeborenen. Talk at Charlotte Bühler Symposium. New insights into current attachment research. Vienna, Austria.

Ruiz, N., Piskernik, B. & Ahnert, L. (2015). Vater-Kind-Bindung und Zeitinvestition. Talk at EPSY Tagung 2015 DGPS. Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland.

Witting, A., Ruiz, N., & Ahnert, L. (2015). Eltern-Kind-Bindungen bei frühgeborenen Kleinkindern. Talk at EPSY Tagung 2015 DGPS. Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Ruiz, N., Piskernik, B. & Ahnert, L. (2015). Father-child attachment and time spent together. Talk at IAC. New York City, United States of America.

Ruiz, N., Piskernik, B. & Ahnert, L. (2016). Father-child attachment and time spent together. Poster at ICIS. New Orleans, United States of America.

Ruiz, J., Ruiz, N., & Hannemann, E. (2016). The myth of orientation and mobility. Talk at the XXXVI. VBS-Congress, Graz, Austria.

Ruiz, N., Piskernik, B., Witting, A., & Ahnert, L. (2017). Father-child attachment in preterm and term children. Talk at IAC. London, Great Britain.

Ruiz, N., & Hill, T. (2018). Die Rolle der Begleitenden im Spannungsfeld zwischen Zurückhaltung und Förderung. Talk at the XXXVII. VBS-Congress, Retz, Austria.

Ruiz, N., & Hammer, A. (2018). Bindung und Psychotherapie

Ruiz, N. (2018). Consequences of prematurity on parent-child attachment. Talk at “Along the traces of Charlotte Bühler”. Vienna, Austria.